Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tips to speed up your metabolism

The key to speeding up your metabolism is to re-ignite the furnace inside of you through proper nutrition and exercising. Eating is vital, a key to a healthy metabolism; it's impossible to jumpstart your metabolism by not eating. And it's crucial to adapt a healthy eating style before beginning any exercise regimen, especially if you've been sedentary for a while. By improving your nutrition before incorporating any type of strenuous exercise (other than walking), you'll ensure blood flow to the heart is smooth.

Eat protein at each meal to keep your body in calorie-burning mode and your glycemic index as low as possible. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Focus a little less on meat, and more on protein-containing vegetables, since meat is harder on the digestive system and non-organic meats may contain hormones, steroids, and other unwanted ingredients. Protein-containing foods include red meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and green vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, and green cabbage. Spirulina, or blue-green algae is an excellent source of plant protein.


Drink plenty of water. Half your body weight in ounces daily will help your body's detoxification process. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 ounces of water each day (i.e. nine or ten 8 oz. glasses).

Eat at least two large servings of uncooked dark, leafy greens daily. Raw green vegetables clean and deodorize the blood, tissues, cells, and organs. In addition to fresh, uncooked, green vegetables, you can also buy green powdered drinks at the health food store and/or green tablets such as Perfect Food by Garden of Life.

Incorporate good fat at every meal. Contrary to what most people believe, good fats don't make you fat; instead, they help burn fat. Good fats include extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds, and avocados. In addition, organic butter, extra virgin coconut oil for cooking and frying, and almond butter. Good fats can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar, ward off depression, and provide natural anti-inflammatories. Good fats also help to keep blood sugar in check. A small amount with each meal is all it takes.

Eat unprocessed, natural whole foods as much as possible. Processed foods sustain life, but do nothing to promote health. Eat as much living food -- foods without labels -- as possible: organic leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, seaweed, grasses and sprouts. These foods energize because they're full of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; they also help bring down inflammation, the root cause of every disease.

Eat organic foods whenever possible. They're free of antibiotics and growth hormones, which is crucial to good health. Antibiotics push out the good bacteria in your body, and lower your line of defense against other toxic invaders like alcohol, tobacco, sugar, coffee, and products that contain chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides and the like. This, in turn, lowers your immune system, and the bad bacteria can begin to multiply causing a host of health problems such as chronic yeast overgrowth.

Avoid Shellfish. They're called bottom feeders because they absorb all the sea's pollutants, and are high in mercury and other contaminants. Shellfish have no excretory system, so by eating them, you're ingesting all the nasty, dead, polluted things they've ever eaten.

These 7 ways to speed your metabolism can revolutionize your nutrition, and result in much improved health. Of course, there's more to good health, including exercise, supplements, managing stress, getting adequate sleep, and making sure you're emotionally healthy. But as far as nutrition goes, simply implement the above tips, and you'll be on your way to a much healthier you!

7 Secrets to Speeding Up Your Metabolism
Contact: Krystal Collazo, WDC Media PR, 786-566-2452,,

OPINION, Mar. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Lisa Buldo:

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