Monday, August 09, 2010

AC/DC Unplugged Fans Salute ACT Energy Drink

Over 40 Million ACT "FEEL GOOD" drinks now served...and growing!

ACT (Advanced Cellular Technology) is a breakthrough drink that works at the cellular level.
"FEEL GOOD" results within 6-10 minutes!
Act Energy Drink Healthy Energy Drink

Crystal Clear Energy that lasts for hours!
A.C.T. Energy Drink Crystal Clear Energy

Every cell in your body needs energy to perform critical functions. Other energy drinks are packed with artificial sweeteners and chemical fillers.
A.C.T. Energy Drink uses natural ingredients-with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives-to target specific metabolic pathways, creating optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Find out more about A.C.T. Crystal Clear Energy »

ACT Energy Drink has vitamins, minerals, fruit extracts, herbs and amino acids

that work at the cellular level and Guarana seed, which contains methylxanthine (similar to caffeine). Unlike caffeine is not water soluble and releases slowly over many hours to provide a prolonged feeling of energy and alertness. It is not required to be listed on the label because it's healthier and safer. A.C.T. Energy Drik is a natural formula that works faster, lasts longer and it's healthier.